Skills Development (Technical and Vocational) Training in Punjab

Friday, December 16, 20110 comments

Skills Development (Technical and Vocational) Training in Punjab

There is huge demand for employability of skilled and trained manpower both locally in Punjab and abroad. With its fast growing young population, an estimated back log of over 15 million youth (16-29 years both males and females) need skills training to get absorbed in the local job market and abroad. This need is increasing at the rate of more than 500,000 young people every year. The existing training capacity for skills development and training in Punjab, however, is only 123,000 trainees annually.

Government of Punjab recognizes the need for appropriate policy framework in this field along with facilitation and enablernent to attract the private sector to come forward and capitalize upon this immense opportunity for establishing successful and profitable businesses to provide Skills Development Training in Punjab.
Proposals are sought from well reputed national and international firms/Individuals with experience in education and skills training and excellent internal resources for successful undertaking of economically viable skills training Institutes under a financially viable Plan.

Broad "indicators" of the proposal
1. The proposa should clearly spell out the capacity of training (number of students) and exact geographical location in the Province of Punjab
2. Exact trade/subject of training should be specified along with data supporting the market demand of this trade/subject in the geographical location
3. The average training cost per trainee for specific trade should be mentioned
4. The extent of capital investment on training machinery or tools for establishing a skills training institute
5. Proposed monthly tuition fees
6. Clear indication of the investment in equipment, machinery and tools along with running cost like salaries, rent, utilities and consuniables etc.
7. Financial feasibility
8. The project should include a strong community involvement plan for catering the local market needs based on local training needs assessments.
9. The investor must stay fully engaged in running the project for at least 3 years from the date of initial launch of the project.

Facilitation from Government of Punjab (GoPb)
1. The Government of Punjab may provide "facilitation" to the successful parties who present viable projects, in the form of:
a. A subsidy in tuition fee for students passing the exams of a body/board recognized by the GoPb.
b. Facilitation in approvals from various government agencies
c. Assistance in marketing of skills training facility(ies)
d. Facilitating relationships with financial institutions
e. Possible subsidy in interest rates on loans obtained in establishing skills training facility(ies)
f. Share vital relevant data for Punjab
g. Teachers training at existing GoPb "Staff and Teachers Training Institutes" at nominal fees
h. Sharing of existing standardized curriculum with daily lesson plans
I. Possible co-branding options with existing GoPb skills training facilities
j. Outsourcing of existing GoPb training facilities

2. GoPb remains open to any other parameters/ideas of facilitation to encourage economically viable projects addressing the current market needs for providing skills training in Punjab.

Criteria for selection of the prospective Sponsors:
The Sponsors must:
1. Have the ability and experience of providing the skills training services described above in addition Cu having:
a. Experience in successfully offering formal skills training/education
b. Experience in establishing locations for skills training/education purposes
c. Ability to raise financing (both debt and equity)
d. Organizational capabilities and capacity to manage different aspects of the training facility from early concept design to execution and project completion
e. The ability to demonstrate past experience, education and professional affiliations that contribute to the ability to successfully run the project described (attach evidence)
2. Have the ability to hire staff for managing the skills training institutes
3. The hired staff most have adequate and documented professional experience
4. Be an entity that is authorized to do business in the Province of Punjab
5. Not have any record of default of bank loans or blacklisted by any public agency
6. Submit details of all litigations, past and pending with any Government departments Agencies or Antonomous Bodies

Submitting Proposals:
Individuals/Firms wishing to participate are invited to attend the pre-bld meeting to be held on Thursday December 22. 2011 at the address below. Registration to attend the pre-bid meeting should be made by calling the following numbers or emailing at the address below. An evaluation criterion will be developed based on the input of stakeholcers in the pre-bid meeting. Proposals must be submitted (one original and one copy) at the address mentioned below by Saturday December 31. 2011. GoPb reserves the right to change the contours of this policy and to accept or reject any proposal in accordance with the applicable rules.

Suite 2, First Floor, 8 Club Road, GOR I, Lahore
Tel: +9242 9920 4939; Fax: +92 42 9920 4937;

Daily Jang 16-12-2011
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