JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Union Council Polio Workers

Thursday, November 3, 20110 comments

Pakistan is among the 4 polio endemic countries in the world. The other 3 endemic countries exhibited signific-ant progress over the last 2 years by substantially bringing down the number of polio cases. It is now being "T7.1-1 said at the global level that Pakistan will be the last country in the world to eradicate polio The Government of Pakistan launched a 'National Emergency Action Plan for Polio eradication" at the advent of 2011 and has been putting every possible effort with the help of partner organizations to save the children of Pakistan from the life-long disabling disease. To achieve this goal; it is mandatory to achieve high coverage at the Union Council level during the polio campaigns. For this purpose; the Government of Pakistan and organizations are scaling up her focus al the Union Council level and planning to recruit "Union Council Polio Workers (UCPVVs)".

The World Health Organization ((P0-10), Polio Eradication Program Pakistan invites appli.lions for the various positions of Union Council Polio VVorkers (UCPWs) in the following union councils:

Daily Jang

Qualification and Experience:
1- Graduate of a recognized university in Pakistan.
2- Prior work experience in social work/NCO/community development activities !health services/external monitor (Preferable).

1-Age 21 years or above, holding valid Computerized National Identity Card (CIVIC).
2- The candidate should not be related ivory 1/0-10 employee.
3- Knovwledge of computer including Microsoft Office applications.
4- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English. Urdu and local language.
5- Transport) Preferably has personal motorbike with valid registration paper, driving license and third party insurance (HefShe will be compensated for its use).
6- Ability to analyze basic data will be an advantage.

Position limited to only residents of specific area of stated Union Council.

Application with recent CV should leach WHO Team Leader, Polio Eradication Initiative, EX II Depot Rafiqui Shaheed Road Near Jinnah Hospital Karachi Cantt, Karachi or through email at latest by 12 November 2011, Please mark the envelope with the town applied for. Only the short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for the interview. Note: The selected candidates should nol hold current employment with any government, public or private sector.

WHO is a smoke free and equal opportunity organization. and reserves the Tight to accept/reject any/aft application without assigning the reason.

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